Chopped Liver

If you think you won’t like this because it’s made with liver, try thinking of it as “Jewish-style country paté.” If you still don’t like it, well, that will help keep the price of chicken livers down, and for that I thank you.


Four - six people (as a starter).



4 - 6 oz   schmaltz (rendered chicken fat)
2 med - lg   yellow onions, sliced (a bit thick)
lbs   chicken livers
  kosher salt
  black pepper, freshly ground


  1. Melt some schmaltz then sautee the onione over a medium-to-high flame until they’re fully soft and starting to turn brown; scoop out into the chopping bowl.

  2. Melt some more schmaltz and sautee the livers just until they’re no longer pink inside.

  3. Chop everything to a medium-coarse paste; the mixture should not be smooth.

  4. Add salt and pepper to taste; add schmaltz as needed to achieve the desired consistency and degree of moistness.
  5. Cover and refrigerate.


The onions should be golden and just turning brown; too much darker and they won't taste good.

Do not over-cook the livers; if you do they will dry out!

Best served at room temperature, on matzoh.


Difficulty: Very easy.

Time: About 1 hour.

Precision: 1.


My own foolin’ around.

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