Shrimp in Coconut Curry

Under Construction!

Made this November 2013; too spicy, too soupy, not quite the right flavor

6 qt sauteuse pan

2	lbs	26/30 shrimp, cut in half (chunks)
1½	med	onions
2	med-lg	tomatoes, seeded
¾	lb	green beans, cut to size
13½	oz	reduced-fat coconut milk
1	Tblsp	sambar powder
2	Tblsp	curry powder
1	Tblsp	garam masala
1½	tsp	ground coriander

steamed green beans until almost done, then added once shrimp was cooked

made the day before so the flavors could meld

3 tomatoes, seeded and peeled
2 tsp curry powder
1 tsp sambar powder
more green beans (¾ - 1 lb)
no coriander
(same garam masala)

steam green beans; reserve

cook onions 'til soft; add tomato, cook until soft; add spices, add
shrimp; add garlic late; when shrimp are almost cooked, add green beans,
then coconut milk to desired consistency; taste/adjust spices



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