5 qt sauteuse pan 3½ qt sauce pan vegetable oil ½ med yellow onion 5 boneless, skinless chicken breast halves broth / stock / beer / wine salt black pepper 1 Tblsp curry powder 1 Tblsp extra-mild curry powder [*] 2 tsp mango fruit spread 3 Tblsp mayo scallions chop the onions small, heat oil, cook until almost soft NOT BROWN meanwhile, cut chicken into large chunks, poach in liquid, salt, and pepper add curry powders to onions, continue to simmer; remove from heat, put into small bowl to cool when chicken is done, drain, cut into bite-size piecesl allow to cool while chicken is cooling, mix mayo and fruit spread into onions put chicken in bowl, pour in onion/mayo/curry, mix well; salt and pepper to taste [*] extra-mild curry powder 1¼ tsp coriander powder ¾ tsp cumin powder ¼ tsp mustard powder ¼ tsp fenugreek seeds, powdered ¼ tsp powdered cloves 2 tsp turmeric powder
Time: about 1 hour.
Precision: 2.
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