Mint Frosting & Chocolate Ganache (for Brownies)


Ingredients for Mint Frosting

9 x 9   9 x 6½

115 g   55 g   butter, softened
240 g   120 g   confectioner’s sugar
30 ml   15 ml   milk
1¼ tsp   ⅝ tsp   mint extract
    green food coloring

Procedure for Mint Frosting

  1. Cool the brownies completely; if they’re even a little warm the frosting will melt.

  2. In a small mixing bowl, use a hand mixer to beat the butter until it’s smooth and creamy.

  3. Add the sugar and the milk.

  4. Beat the mixture at low speed for 2 minutes then for another 1 minute at high speed.

  5. Add the mint extract and the food coloring; beat at high speed for 1 minute.

  6. Adjust the amount of extract and coloring as necessary.

  7. Spread the frosting on the brownies.

Ingredients for Chocolate Ganache

9 x 9   9 x 6½

115 g   55 g   butter
200 g   100 g   “semi-sweet” (or 60% “bittersweet”) chocolate chips

Procedure for Chocolate Ganache

  1. Wait until the frosting is completely set. If it’s warm in your kitchen you may want to put the brownies in the fridge for 15 to 30 minutes before starting the ganache.

  2. In a small saucier pan, gently melt the butter.

  3. Add the chocolate to the melted butter and stir until the chocolate melts.

  4. Cool the ganache until it starts to thicken; the cooler you can get it, the less likely you are to melt the frosting.

  5. Spread the ganache on top of the frosting.

  6. Allow the ganache to set completely before cutting the brownies.


Butter: 115 grams is 4 ounces, or one 1 (US) stick.

Butter: The original recipe called for unsalted butter but I use salted butter for pretty much everything and I think it taste just fine in these recipes.


Difficulty:   Easy
Time:   30 minutes + 30 minutes, plus cooling times
Precision:   5


Adapted from Classic Mint Chocolate Brownies on the Sally’s Baking Recipes web site.

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