Beef Stew with vegetables

Under Construction!

For Winter Party 2025

 5 lbs      chuck roast

 6 oz       bacon, chopped

 3 Tblsp    tomato paste
 1 Tblsp    ? soy sauce ?
 1 Tblsp    ? anchovy paste ?
 8 cups     vegetable stock

18 oz       mushrooms, button or cut up into large wedges
 9 oz       carrots, cut into eating pieces (larger than smaller)
14 oz       onions, pearl or hollywood cut

 9 oz       carrots, halved each way
 3 stalks   celery, cut in half
10 oz       onions, cut in quarters
 2          bay leaves
 2 sprigs   fresh thyme

 2 cups     red wine

 2 lbs      Yukon Gold potatoes, cut into eating pieces (larger than smaller)
 7 oz       frozen peas

	    oil and/or meat fat

  1. Cut the roast into 1 1/2 inch steaks; season with salt & pepper then sear on all sides and reserve

  2. Cut the bacon into lardons; in a separate pan, cook until almost crisp; reserve lardons

  3. While the steaks are searing, blend the tomato paste, anchovy paste, soy sauce, and just enough stock to get a smooth puree; if using bacon, puree it here

  4. MAYBE using some/all of the bacon fat, separately saute the mushrooms, carrots, and onions just enough to get some color; deglaze the pan as often as needed and reserve the liquid; reserve the cooked vegetables SEPARATE FROM THE MEAT

  5. While the vegetables are sauteeing, cut the meat into 1 1/2 inch cubes

  6. Preheat the oven to 300F

  7. Load the pan with the meat, the wine, the umami puree, the uncooked vegetables, the bay leaves, the thyme, salt, pepper, and as much more stock as needed to completely cover everything; bring to a simmer

  8. Put into the oven, partially covered, about 1 1/2 hours; check for simmer every 30 minutes

  9. Remove the meat and reserve; remove any remaining solids and measure the liquid

  10. Return the meat, liquid, and browned vegetables BUT NOT THE PEAS OR THE POTATOES to the oven for about 45 minutes

  11. Make enough medium brown roux to slightly thicken the liquid; figure 1+1 for every 2 cups of liquid; make a little extra, just in case

  12. While the meat is cooking, prepare the potatoes, then boil in water (or stock, if there's extra) until just tender; drain and reserve

  13. As soon as the meat is fully tender, remove from the oven and reserve the meat and vegetables; thicken with the roux

  14. Combine the peas, potatoes, meat, vegetables, and liquid; taste for seasoning


DO NOT get the beef from Alpine Butcher; it's too expensive and there was too much fat. Hannaford sells "boneless beef chuck pot roast" for $4.99/lb (65% cheaper than Alpine); might need to buy 2.

"Standard" thickening is 15 grams oil and 15 - 30 grams flour to every 250 grams of liquid. For this stew the MAXIMUM should be 15:15/250, and maybe even 10:10/250.

For the liquid, 1 ml = 1 gram; for the oil it's not quite 1:1 but that's close enough for this purpose.

16 qt heavy pot (might fit in 12 qt)
heavy saute pan
4 qt sauce pan

* vegetable oil
* 5 - 6 boneless chuck roast, cut into cubes
* 4 med-lg onions, cut in half through the root, then in half parallel
  to the root, then through the root into wedges
* 3-4-5 med carrots, peeled, sliced into discs or half moons
* 12 cloves garlic, chopped
* 2 - 2½ lbs baby mushrooms, trimmed, whole
* 1 bottle red wine
* 1 - 2 bottles bere
* 2 - 4 cups beef stock
* ½ bu fresh parsley, cleaned and rough chopped
* 3 bay leaves
* marjoram
* salt
* pepper
* ½ frozen peas
* butter
* flour
* 3 lg potatoes, peeled, cut into chunks

heat oil in saute pan; working in batches, brown meat and remove to pot,
leaving juices in the pan; repeat

deglaze pan with some wine

heat oil, saute carrots; remove to pot

if needed, deglaze with more wine

heat oil, working in batches, saute onions; remove to pan; in last
batch, add garlic

heat oil, saute mushrooms, cover and simmer 'til start to give up
liquid; remove to pot

deglaze with more wine until pan is clean

add wine, stock, and beer to cover plus a bit more

add parsley, bay leaves, marjoram, salt (GO EASY!), and pepper

bring to a boil, skim if necessary, reduce to simmer; cook until meat is

remove solids, add peas to solids, measure liquid

make a roux of 1 T butter + 1 T flour for each cup of liquid; add 3 T
each for safety; while roux is cooking, bring liquid to a boil; add at
least half the roux to the liquid; whisk; add more roux as needed

return solids, mix well, taste; adjust salt & pepper if necessary

put potatoes in sauce pan, cover with water, cover, boil 'til just soft;
drain, add to stew



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