Smoker Start-Up Procedure: Battle Box

Two Weeks Before

  1. Inventory rub ingredients
  2. Order rub ingredients

  3. Inventory sauce
  4. Buy sauce ingredients
  5. Make sauce

One Week Before

  1. Make rub (for all meats!)

The Night Before

  1. Clean smoker [0:35]
    (using Rosie, remove ash, sweep, scrape)

  2. Set up the tent [0:15]

  3. Set up wifi [0:15]

  4. Rub and wrap brisket [?:??]
[Prep time to this point is ~?? minutes]

The Day Of

  1. Take meat out of fridge [0:15]

  2. Rub remaining meat(s) [0:15 - 0:30]

  3. Set up Flame Boss [0:15]

  4. Fill smoker with charcoal and wood chips [0:15]

  5. Fill water pan [0:05]

  6. Use torch to start corner of charcoal basket [0:15]
    [Prep time to this point is 1:20 - 1:35]

  7. Load food [0:15 - 0:30]

  8. Set timers for swaps, done