Chili Powder

Why buy yucky stuff from the store when it’s so easy to make your own?


1 part   garlic powder
1 part   cumin powder
3 parts   Mexican oregano powder
3 parts   cayenne pepper powder
3 parts   sweet paprika powder


  1. Grind the Mexican oregano

  2. Mix everything together


Proportions (parts) are by volume, not weight.

Mexican oregano usually comes whole (dried), and needs to be ground before you use it. Grinding reduces the volume by two-thirds.

The original recipe called for 1 part salt; I disagree.

This is the one acceptable use I know of for garlic powder.

For a hotter powder, use hot (“half sharp”) paprika.

You could, if you’re so inclined, grind your own whole cumin seeds; for extra flavor, toast them a bit before grinding them. Remember, though, to measure the cumin after you’ve ground it.

If you’re making a large batch, you can save time by using an electric spice grinder instead of a mortar and pestle. Many people call electric spice grinders “coffee grinders” but they are clearly mistaken.


Difficulty: Very easy.

Time: 5 minutes.

Precision: 4.


Food for Thought, by Robert Farrar Capon.

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